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Responsive Site

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  • The Center for Responsive Politics has made itself into an essential Washington — actually, make that an essential national — institution. Now more than ever, with the proliferation of super PACs and 501(c)(4) groups pouring huge sums into campaigns, it's critical to have a reliable and handy source of information on money and politics.
  • Oct 15, 2020 The Center for Responsive Politics has made itself into an essential Washington — actually, make that an essential national — institution. Now more than ever, with the proliferation of super PACs and 501(c)(4) groups pouring huge sums into campaigns, it's critical to have a reliable and handy source of information on money and politics.


Responsive Site Examples

Responsive Design Checker was initially created in 2012 as an exercise for Media Genesis developers to see if they could create a tool that could be used to test websites for mobile design. Essentially, developers wanted to see how well certain websites could adapt when viewed on mobile device (like a phone) rather than just on a computer desktop.
Dr antivirus pro 3 2 16. As it turned out, it was a smash hit! But not necessarily with developers. Responsive Design Checker was appreciated more by non-development web users as it was able to determine if a website would be responsive while in mobile format.
Later updates to the system were made in 2015 in order to include a variety of preset screen sizes such as the 27-inch Dell Monitor U2711, 17-inch Workstation, 15-inch Macbook Pro, 11-inch Macbook Air, and the portrait and landscape modes of Apple's iPad and iPhone, and the Nexus7.

Why Is Responsive Design Checker needed today?

Responsive Site Builder

What is a responsive website? Strictly speaking, responsive websites have three defining features: 1. Media queries 'A media query allows us to target not only certain device classes but to actually inspect the physical characteristics of the device rendering our work,' Marcotte explains. At ResponsiveEd, we seek to be responsive to the needs of the community. In keeping with this goal, we offer a variety of educational options—educational 'brands'—that reflect the diverse interests, goals, and learning styles of the students within the communities we serve.


Responsive design = good user experience. So, if you want to be able to provide your user a good experience (no matter what device they're accessing your website from) you're going to need a responsive site.
Not to mention, mobile usage counts for just about 50% of all website traffic, so it's essential that your site is able to not only meet user demands but also adapt to any device screen.
That's where Responsive Design Checker comes in. You can discover how your website looks on a variety of different screens, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It's as simple as typing in your web domain and hitting 'enter.'

Do you need a website developer, graphic designer, or a team of professionals to create the perfect digital marketing campaign for your company? Media Genesis can help. Since 1996, we have worked alongside corporations worldwide, both big and small, to help them tell their stories. Give us a call at 248-687-7888 or email us at

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